10 Most Common Crystals and What They Are Used for
While there are hundreds of crystals in nature, some of them are a lot more popular than others. Here are the 10 most common crystals and what they are used for.
Amethyst: The all-purpose stone. Amethyst is good for relieving stress and anxiety. It enhances spiritual awareness and intuition.
Citrine: Citrine is a good stone for anyone who needs financial abundance. This stone is also good for self-esteem and positive energy in general.
Clear Quartz: Clear quartz is considered to be a master healer. Thus, it is multi-purpose and can be used for emotional stability, mental clarity, physical health, etc.
Jade: Jade is a powerful stone popularly used as a lucky charm. It is also said to be good for achieving balance in life and improving relationships.
Malachite: Malachite is a potent protection stone. It can protect you against physical damage. It is also good for mental problems and clearing away negative energy.
Moonstone: The stone of empathy, compassion, and harmony. Moonstone is especially good for cultivating feminine energy.
Rose Quartz: The ultimate love crystal. It is good for when you are manifesting new relationships, be they romantic ones or friendships. Rose quartz is also good for emotional stability.
Black Tourmaline: Black tourmaline is a great stone for protection. It soaks up the negative energy and toxicity coming your way.
Turquoise: Turquoise is known for its detoxification and purification qualities. It is also good for stabilizing mood swings and guarding against various diseases.
Opal: Opal is good for enhancing creativity. It is also a stone that brings hope and a sense of balance.