Burnout And Meditation: How Can Mindfulness Help With Burnout
| Meditation for Burnout Syndrome | Mindfulness for Burnout | Meditation for Stress Management | Inner Peace Mindfulness Meditation

Have you ever felt so physically and mentally exhausted that you don’t want to get out of bed even if you have got eight hours of sleep? And you have no motivation to go out, work, study, or do anything really.

What is this? Fatigue, stress, depression, anxiety, a result of sleep deprivation? In many cases, this may be a state of burnout.

But what is burnout? Is there a way to prevent it and treat it, and does meditation help with burnout?
In this artis article, we will discuss the signs of burnout, how to deal with it, and how can mindfulness help you when you are in a state of complete exhaustion.
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What Is Burnout?

It doesn’t matter whether you work, study, or take care of your household and your family, there are chances that you will experience burnout at some point in your life.

Burnout is a state of complete exhaustion. Prolonged stress and not taking time to rest properly often result in burnout. It is also common for people to experience burnout because of their job.

Burnout can happen not only when you are physically exhausted but also when you are emotionally and mentally overwhelmed.

Also, it is important to understand that while in certain cases people we work or live with may be the source of the burnout, at the end of the day each of us is responsible for our mental and physical health.
You should try to understand the needs of your body, know your limits, don’t expose yourself to more stress than you can handle, and most importantly, take a step back and rest at the right time.

And while burnout is very common, there is no medical diagnosis for it. So, how do you know that you are in a state of burnout?
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Here are the signs of burnout you may experience:

  • Emotional symptoms. The emotional symptoms of burnout include feeling helpless, losing hope and confidence in what you do, having no motivation to do anything, negative feelings toward work and other responsibilities, etc.

  • Physical symptoms. Burnout may have multiple physical symptoms. But some of the most common ones are feeling exhausted all the time, lowered immunity, and changes in your eating and sleeping habits.

  • Behavioral symptoms. It is easy to notice behavioral changes in a person going through a burnout. These changes may include procrastination, isolation, skipping work or class, getting frustrated with others for no reason, quitting responsibilities, etc.
How To Deal With Burnout?

It is a lot easier to prevent burnout than cope with it later. Here are three simple yet working tips to help you avoid burnout.

1. Don’t forget to take breaks. No matter if it’s work, school, or simple household chores, don’t forget to give yourself breaks and the opportunity to have a rest from time to time. If you know your breaking point, you will be able to give yourself enough resting time in order to not feel overwhelmed and burnt out.

2. Be physically active. Even if you are very busy and need to get a lot done, incorporate some kind of physical activity into your routine. Exercising is an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety, improve concentration, and increase your energy levels. It also helps you feel accomplished.

3. Maintain a sleep schedule. One of the main reasons why people suffer from burnout is that they don’t get enough sleep. So, make a healthy sleeping schedule a priority and try to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day.
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How Does Mindfulness Help With Burnout?

Practicing mindfulness is another efficient way to prevent burnout. It is also a great method to use to overcome burnout when you have already found yourself in a state of extreme physical and emotional exhaustion.

When you exercise mindfulness, you know very well how you are feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally. Being mindful of your limits and wishes helps you not miss the point when you are overwhelmed. So, you take a step back at the right time to regain energy and stabilize your emotions.

But even if you do practice mindfulness, no one is ever guaranteed against burnout. At some point in your life, you may still experience it.

If you find yourself in a state of burnout, here is a simple mindfulness meditation we recommend you do regularly to help you ease your mind, regain inner peace, and help yourself to get back to normal.

What is EDMR therapy?

Burnout can be also caused by past trauma. If that's the case consider trying EMDR therapy online. This mental health treatment technique is effective in reducing emotional exhaustion.
work-life balance meditation
How To Meditate Mindfully To Recover From Burnout?

At first sight, mindfulness meditation may seem to be an inefficient way to deal with burnout. However, studies have shown that simple mindfulness meditations can be an effective way to ease burnout symptoms. In combination with other methods, mindfulness meditation will eventually help you reset and overcome burnout.

Here’s how to practice mindfulness.

1. Get into a comfortable position. Sit your legs crossed, on a chair, or on the floor. Do this in a room where you feel most at peace and where no one and nothing will distract you. Meditating out in nature is an option too.

2. Focus on your breathing and how you inhale and exhale air. Notice how your body moves when you are breathing and how breathing makes you feel.

3. Once you have your deep and slow breathing under control, start to notice things around you. Pay close attention to the little sounds you hear and the details you see. Notice how your body feels.

4. Let your thoughts flow. Trying to get rid of all your thoughts is useless. You can’t do that especially when you are experiencing burnout. Allow yourself to come and go and try not to be judgemental.

5. Whenever you notice that you are getting absorbed in your thoughts, shift your attention back to your breathing.

6. Meditate for around 10 minutes or as long as you like.

In order to help you create new self-care routine we created this online retreat that is loaded with unique mindfulness practices. You can set time and do one a day or desconnect from the whole world for a day for a complete reset. Listen to your inner voice and heal your mind and body.


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