Mantra Chanting 101: Benefits, How It Works, And How To Get Started With Mantras
| Om Mantra Chanting | Om Chanting Meditation | Chanting Meaning | Mantra Meaning | Mantra Benefits | Mantra Affirmation | Mantras

Mantras have been around since the Vedic period and the earliest use of mantras is known to be in Hinduism. But it is only in recent years that this practice has started to gain popularity in the Western world.

In this article, we will tell you about these powerful sounds that are said to work wonders for the human brain.

What Are Mantras?

Mantra is a Sanskrit word where the root man means ‘to think’. Mantras are words or phrases repeated during various cultural and religious celebrations. They are generally rhythmic and constructed like poetry. Each mantra has an intention, meaning, and vibration.

Mantras are widely used for meditation purposes. Some people believe that mantra meditation was the first type of meditation that ever existed.

Mantras are chanted aloud. But you can also whisper them or repeat them in your mind.

Practicing mantras out loud helps you attune yourself to the correct pronunciation of the mantra, feel the vibrations, and improve your energy levels and focus. If you are a beginner in mantra chanting, we do recommend you start practicing mantras aloud.

Whispering mantras are efficient if you are practicing them with the goal of achieving harmony. This method of practicing mantras requires a lot of concentration.

Saying mantras in mind is also possible. And while this method of mantra chanting is highly efficient, it requires great focus. You should keep your attention to your mantra and not get distracted by anything.
What Are Mantras?
Are Mantras And Affirmations The Same?

One of the most popular questions about mantras is if they are the same as affirmations. Mantras are not the same as affirmations. There are a few key differences between mantras and affirmations.

  • Unlike affirmations, mantras are rhythmic and have vibrations that make them so powerful. The power of affirmations, on the other hand, lies in their meaning.
  • Mantras are used for spiritual healing while affirmations are generally used to fight negative thinking and attract positivity into your life.
  • Mantra chanting requires focus and attention. You have to do it for at least 10 minutes during a yoga session or meditation. Affirmations can be repeated a few times a day at any time of the day.
  • Another key difference between affirmations and mantras is that affirmations can be created by anyone and be very specific. As for mantras, it is best when they are created by qualified masters.
Are Mantras And Affirmations The Same?
How Does Mantra Chanting Work?

Chanting mantras creates vibrations and makes our minds and bodies vibrate at certain frequencies. But this is true only when they are chanted properly, i.e. when the pronunciation and intonation of mantras are correct.

Mantras are a series of words in Sanskrit and other languages that practitioners believe have special powers. Naturally, people who don’t understand the meaning of mantras are concerned if they will work for them or not.

As mantras work through the sound vibrations, you don’t have to understand their meaning to make them work for you. With this said, you can learn about the meaning of mantras if you know doing it will make your practices more efficient.

The Benefits Of Mantra Chanting

Mantra chanting has numerous benefits. In terms of physical health, chanting mantras reduces blood pressure, regulates heart rate, helps you control your breath, and activates the relaxation response of the body.

Aside from the physical benefits, mantra chanting also makes a significant positive impact on one’s mental and spiritual health. Here are the key benefits of mantra chanting.

  • Improved focus
  • Reduced anxiety and stress
  • Balanced emotions and mood
  • Increased self-awareness
  • Relaxed and calm mind
The Benefits Of Mantra Chanting
How To Chant Mantras

The efficiency of mantras has a lot to do with the way you chant them. Here’s the process of chanting mantras step-by-step.

  1. Choose a mantra depending on your intentions. Each mantra has different vibrations so you need to be careful with your choice. You can also ask your meditation leader or teacher to suggest a mantra for you.
  2. Decide on the time and place. Some people feel comfortable chanting in nature while others prefer to stay in a quiet room. As for the time, early morning is the best time for chanting mantras though you can do it at any time of the day.
  3. Sit in a comfortable position.
  4. Take a few deep breaths.
  5. Start chanting the mantra you have chosen. When chanting mantras, try to pronounce the words correctly and at a slow pace.
  6. As you chant, feel the vibrations in your body and how these sounds stimulate areas of your brain. You can also focus on a specific part of your body to heal it.
  7. Feel the sense of relaxation that mantra chanting brings to your body and mind.
  8. Repeat the mantra for 10 to 30 minutes. You may want to stick to one mantra for several months to see results and be able to switch to other mantras with ease.
OM is a sacred symbol in Hinduism and the sound of the universe. Om mantra chanting
Getting Started With Mantra Chanting

According to some sources, there are over 70 million mantras. Even if this number weren’t so high, choosing a mantra to start your practices would still be hard as you need to find a mantra you can relate to.

If you are just getting started with mantra chanting, we highly recommend you explore the OM mantra. OM is a sacred symbol in Hinduism and the sound of the universe.

Being the most powerful mantra, Om is also the easiest in terms of pronunciation. When pronouncing this mantra (Aaa-Uoo-Mmm), focus on your intentions.

There are lots of other powerful mantras you can learn and incorporate into your meditation practices. But it can easily get overwhelming if you don’t know which mantra to choose and how to use it.

For this reason, it is best to start your mantra chanting journey with a qualified teacher and let them guide you.
Lastly, whether you are learning to chant mantras on your own or under the guidance of a teacher, keep trying until you master the art of mantra chanting. Similar to other meditation practices, mantra chanting too requires consistency and effort.

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